How to Uninstall the Old Flutterwave Shopify Integration

Updated 26 months ago

  1. Go to Settings


  2. Click Payments


  3. Click Flutterwave, then click Manage


  4. Click on “Deactivate Flutterwave”


Now you’re ready to install the new Flutterwave Payment Gateway to collect payments!

PS: If you see two Flutterwave payments options on the Payments menu, it means you already installed the new Flutterwave before attempting to uninstall the old. Not to worry, use the below screenshots to identify which to uninstall:

This is the new Flutterwave Shopify Integration on the Settings  >> Payments menu


This is the old Flutterwave Shopify Integration on the Settings >> Payments menu and THIS IS THE ONE TO BE UNINSTALLED/DEACTIVATED


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