Flutterwave Cashlog FAQs

Updated 22 months ago

What is Flutterwave Cashlog?

Cashlog is a dashboard feature that allows a merchant to record cash payments in real-time. It's an online bookkeeping feature for recording offline cash transactions, in order to have all your payments, both online and offline, housed on one dashboard.

How do I set up Cashlog on my Dashboard?

Cashlog is available on the merchant dashboard. To begin, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the merchant dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the "Transactions" tab and click "Cash Transactions".

  3. Click "Log a Cash Transaction".

  4. Enter the necessary information, such as the customer's name, email address, phone number, and amount. You can also add additional fields as desired.

  5. Click "Log Transactions" to complete the action.

What's the settlement timeline for Cashlog?

Settlements are not processed for cash transactions since the transactions are made physically (offline).

Can a merchant download Cashlog history?

Yes, cash transaction history can be downloaded.

  • Login to the merchant dashboard

  • Click on "Transactions"

  • Click on "Cash Transactions"

  • Click on download button at the top right corner

Note: A csv file of all the cash transactions logged should be downloaded.

Will the merchant/customer receive a notification once a transaction is logged?

Yes, a receipt is generated in an email notification sent to the customer once a transaction is logged. The merchant also receives an email notification for every logged cash transaction.

Can a customer dispute a cash transaction?

No, cash transactions cannot be disputed. A customer cannot file a chargeback for a cash transaction.

How are refunds processed for cash transactions?

Refunds are not processed for cash transactions since they are done offline. Disputed transactions should be directed to the merchant for resolution.

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