Common card transaction errors
Updated 8 months ago
Our goal at Flutterwave is to simplify payments and ensure successful transactions for you and your customers.
However, transaction errors are sometimes inevitable. This article outlines some common card transaction errors and their causes to help you guide your customer if a transaction error occurs.
Transaction Error | Reason |
A server error has occurred. Please try again. | After the transaction was sent to the processor, no response was received. This probably occurred because the processor's gateway is temporarily down. Connectivity problems, if they do occur, are usually short lived. |
ABORTED | The transaction was aborted by the customer. |
Acceptor Contact Acquirer | The customer’s bank (card issuer) has declined the transaction. |
Acceptor Contact Acquirer, Security | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction and requests the Merchant to contact the bank. |
Account number, phone number validation failed. Received invalid response from remote entity | This is an error from the customer's bank (Usually temporary). |
ACQUIRER_SYSTEM_ERROR | Acquirer system error occurred while processing the transaction. |
Amount does not meet minimum amount allowed | The customer's has entered an amount below the mininum transaction amount allowed |
Amount greater than daily transaction limit | This error occurs when the customer attempts a charge with an amount greater than the daily transaction amount limit applicable to your account |
An error occurred while processsing your request | An error occurred while the issuer's bank processed the transaction. |
An invalid response was received from remote host, see provider response code/message for details. | |
An OTP related error has occured, please contact support. | An error occurred while the issuer's bank authenticated the transaction using OTP. OTP Validation Failed |
An unexpected error occurred | This occurs when our system fails to add the customer's cvv when sending out an authentication request. |
An unknown error has occurred, please contact system administrator. | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has indicated there is a problem with the card number. |
APPROVED | The transaction was successful. |
Approved. Successful | The transaction was successful. |
Auth Data error | An error occurred while trying to authenticate the customer's details. A pin with special characters was supplied. |
Authentication of the cardholder could not be completed | Authentication was attempted but the card issuer did not perform the authentication. |
AUTHENTICATION_ATTEMPTED | Authentication was attempted but the card issuer did not perform the authentication. |
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | 3D secure authentication was attempted on the card, but the customer's bank did not authenticate the transaction. |
AUTHENTICATION_NOT_AVAILABLE | Authentication is not currently available. |
AUTHENTICATION_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR_DETAILS_PROVIDED | The customer's card is not enrolled for 3DSecure authentication. |
Bank Not Supported By Switch | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as it does not allow transactions originating through mail/telephone, fax, email or Internet orders. |
BLOCKED | The transaction was declined because the customer entered invalid details |
CANCELLED | Transaction cancelled by customer. |
Cannot Complete, Violation Of The Law | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction and requests the customer to contact their bank. |
Cannot connect, Event executor group is terminated. | |
Cannot retrieve account number from card | No primary account associated with the card. |
Cannot retrieve account number from the card | No primary account associated with the card. |
CANNOT_AUTHENTICATE_OTP | The customer's bank could not autenticate the OTP. |
CANNOT_GENERATE_OTP | The token failed to generate a valid OTP. |
Capture Card | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card is suspected to be counterfeit. The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has requested that the customer’s card be retained. |
Card Acceptor, Contact Acquirer, Retain Card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (card reported lost or stolen). |
Card Expiry is not in correct format | The customer entered the expiry date in the wrong format. |
Card has expired | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card appears to have expired. |
Card holder is not enrolled | The card is not enrolled for 3DS authentication. |
Card Issuer did not perform authentication of the card | This means the transaction window expired before the customer could authenticate the transaction. |
Card Issuer Unavailable | The issuer was unavailable to authorize the transaction. |
Card not registered on Token Platform | The card has not been enrolled for Safe Token at the bank. |
Card type has not been configured for payment gateway | The customer is attempting the transaction with a card type not configured for Rave |
Card validation failed. Error occured while processing your request. | 3D secure authentication was attempted on the card, but the customer's bank did not authenticate the transaction. |
Card validation failed. Received invalid response from remote entity. | 3D secure authentication was attempted on the card, but the customer's bank did not authenticate the transaction. |
CARD_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_3DS | The card does not support 3DS authentication. |
CARD_ENROLLED | The card is not enrolled for 3DS authentication. |
CARD_NOT_ENROLLED | The card is not enrolled for 3DS authentication. |
CARD_NOT_REGISTERED_ON_TOKEN_PLATFORM | The card has not been enrolled for Safe Token at the bank. |
Cardholder browser session timed out | |
Cardholder failed authentication by the card Issuer. | This means authentication on the card was done and the customer's card failed. |
Cardholder verification failed | The transaction likely failed due to the card not passing 3D-Secure validation check at the time the transaction was been processed. |
child "card" fails because [child "cvc" fails because ["cvc" length must be 3 characters long]] | The code entered by the customer exceeds the required number of digits (3 digits). |
child "card" fails because [child "number" fails because ["number" length must be at least 14 characters long, "number" should be a valid card number]] | This error occurs if the credit card number entered by the customer contains characters other digits, or bank does not recognize this number as a valid credit card number |
child "card" fails because [child "number" fails because ["number" must be a GTB NGN mastercard]] | The card number entered by the customer exceeds the required number of characters for a GTB NGN Mastercard (19 characters). |
child "card" fails because [child "number" fails because ["number" should be a valid card number]] | This error occurs if the credit card number entered by the customer contains characters other digits, or bank does not recognize this number as a valid credit card number |
Contact Acquirer | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction. |
Contact Acquirer Security Department, Retain Card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (card reported lost or stolen). |
Correct cvv2 not found. Cvv2 has to be present and numeric | |
Correct pin not found. Pin has to be present and numeric | The card pin entered by the customer is incorrect. |
Could not extract response: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for response type class com.interswitch.paymentservice.model.remote.PayResponse and content type text/html;charset=utf-8 | |
Could not resolve transaction after 5 tries | Internal attempts made to verify the state of transactions failed after 5 trials. |
Could not verify this payment | For International card transactions, Card details supplied on the Bank 3D-Secure page do not match with what the bank has on file. |
Customer Cancellation | The customer cancelled the transaction. |
Cutoff In Progress | The customer’s bank is temporarily not able to process this customer’s card. |
CVV must be 3 characters | The code entered by the customer did not meet the required number of digits (3 digits). |
CVV Validation Error | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the CVV is incorrect. |
Daily transaction limit exceeded | This error occurs when the customer exceeds the daily allowed transaction limit applicable to their bank account. |
data not block size aligned | This occurs for Verve cards when invalid characters are passed as PIN. |
Declined | The transaction was declined by the customer's bank. |
Declined because CSC failed | This means the transactions was declined because an invalid Card Security Code was provided. |
DECLINED_AVS | This occurs when a customer enters a billing address different from the one on their card statement. The Address Verification System check is put in place to help prevent unauthorized use of credit cards and to also minimize charge-back occurrences for merchants. |
DECLINED_AVS_CSC | This occurs when a customer enters a billing address different from the one on their card statement. The Address Verification System check is put in place to help prevent unauthorized use of credit cards and to also minimize charge-back occurrences for merchants. |
DECLINED_CSC | Transaction declined due to card security code. |
DECLINED_DO_NOT_CONTACT | Transaction declined - do not contact issuer. |
DECLINED_PAYMENT_PLAN | Transaction declined due to payment plan. |
DEFERRED_TRANSACTION_RECEIVED | Deferred transaction received and awaiting processing. |
Do Not Honor | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card number has failed a security check, or the funds may have been frozen or depleted. |
Do Not Honour | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card number has failed a security check, or the funds may have been frozen or depleted. |
Duplicate Transaction | A transaction was recently submitted with the same Reference Number, or the same card number and amount. The payment gateway refused to process this transaction in order to prevent a duplicate transaction. |
E5015: Merchant [Detty_Rave] does not support currency [GHS]-Verification Attempted | Authentication was attempted on the card, but was declined because the merchant doesn't accept payment from GHS currency. |
E5015: Merchant [Detty_Rave] does not support currency [USD]-Verification Attempted | Authentication was attempted on the card, but was declined because the merchant doesn't accept payment from USD currency. |
E5431-06121035%3A+Invalid+Field+%3A+CardSecurityCode | Transaction declined due to customer inputting an invalid card security code. |
E8200-09221925: description : Card type [AE], currency [GHS], txType [PRCH] - no relationship-Verification Attempted | |
either remote server cannot be reached or network connection was reset/broken | |
Error | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as there is a problem with the card number. |
Error Occurred. Could Not Authenticate Token | |
Error processing request, please try again | An error occurred while the issuer's bank processed the transaction. |
Error validating signature on response | |
ERROR_COMMUNICATING_WITH_DIRECTORY_SERVER | An error occurred while the customer's card scheme attempted to authenticate the transaction. The cause is usually temporal. |
ERROR_PARSING_AUTHENTICATION_RESPONSE | There was an error processing customer security details. |
EXCEEDED_RETRY_LIMIT | Transaction retry limit exceeded. |
Exceeds Maximum Amount Allowed | The customer's has entered an amount above the maximum transaction amount allowed |
Exceeds withdrawal amount limits | The customer had exceeded their withdrawal limit for the day. |
Exceeds withdrawal frequency | Bank withdrawal frequency has been reached. |
Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit | Bank withdrawal frequency has been reached. |
Exceeds Withdrawal Limit | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as it will exceed the customer’s card limit. |
Expired Card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card appears to have expired. |
Expired Card, Capture | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as card has expired or the date is incorrect. |
Expired+Card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card appears to have expired. |
ExpiryDate format is incorrect | The customer entered an invalid expiry date |
Failed | This error is normally returned directly from the service provider for unknown reasons. |
Failed to retrieve Card | There was an error with the Android API. |
FAILURE-BLOCKED | Transaction blocked due to internal risk blocking rules. |
FAILURE-BLOCKED (Approved) | Transaction blocked due to our internal risk blocking rules. |
FAILURE-DECLINED | The transaction was declined by the customer’s bank. |
FAILURE-DECLINED (Do not honour) | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card number has failed a security check, or the funds may have been frozen or depleted. |
FAILURE-DECLINED (Exceeds withdrawal amount limits) | The customer had exceeded their withdrawal limit for the day. |
FAILURE-DECLINED (Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit) | The customer has used the card for withdrawal above his withdrawal frequency limits. |
FAILURE-DECLINED (Invalid card number) | fai |
FAILURE-DECLINED (Invalid merchant) | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. |
FAILURE-DECLINED (Lost Card) | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card has been reported lost. |
FAILURE-DECLINED (Pick up card) | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (the card has been reported lost or stolen). |
FAILURE-DECLINED (Restricted card) | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card has some restrictions. |
FAILURE-DECLINED (Stolen Card, Pick up) | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (the card has been reported stolen). |
FAILURE-DECLINED (Transaction not permitted to cardholder) | The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as this card cannot be used for this type of transaction. |
FAILURE-EXPIRED_CARD | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the credit card appears to have expired. |
FAILURE-EXPIRED_CARD (Expired card) | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the credit card appears to have expired. |
FAILURE-INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS (Not sufficient funds) | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card does not have sufficient funds. |
FAILURE-TIMED_OUT | The Customer’s bank failed to authenticate the transaction before the transaction window timed out. |
FAILURE-TIMED_OUT (Issuer or switch inoperative) | This means the processor timed out and couldn't process the payment. |
FAILURE-UNKNOWN (INVALID_PIN) | The customer entered an invalid PIN |
FAILURE-UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE | This error is normally returned from the issuer because the transaction could not be processed. |
FAILURE: BLOCKED | Transaction blocked due to Risk or 3D Secure blocking rules. |
FAILURE: DECLINED | The transaction was declined by the customer's bank. |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Do not honour) | This means the transaction was declined by the bank. This could be because the card is a lost or stolen card, there is a lien on the customer account etc. |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Exceeds withdrawal amount limits) | The customer had exceeded their withdrawal limit for the day. |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit) | The customer has used the card for withdrawal above his withdrawal frequency limits. |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Invalid card number) | The customer provided an invalid card number. |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Invalid merchant) | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Lost Card) | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card has been reported lost. |
FAILURE: DECLINED (No such issuer) | The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as this card cannot be used for this type of transaction |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Pick up card) | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (the card has been reported lost or stolen). |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Restricted card) | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card has some restrictions. |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Stolen Card, Pick up) | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (the card has been reported stolen). |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Transaction not permitted to cardholder) | The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as this card cannot be used for this type of transaction |
FAILURE: EXPIRED_CARD | Transaction declined due to expired card. |
FAILURE: EXPIRED_CARD (Expired card) | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the credit card appears to have expired. |
FAILURE: INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS | Transaction declined due to insufficient funds. |
FAILURE: INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS (Not sufficient funds) | This means the customer does not have sufficient funds to complete the transaction. |
FAILURE: REFERRED | The customer’s card issuer has indicated there is a problem with the card number. |
FAILURE: REFERRED (Refer to card issuer) | The customer’s card issuer has indicated there is a problem with the card number. |
FAILURE: SYSTEM_ERROR | After the transaction was sent to the processor, no response was received. This probably occurred because the processor's gateway is temporarily down. Connectivity problems, if they do occur, are usually short lived. |
FAILURE: TIMED_OUT | The Customer’s bank failed to authenticate the transaction before the transaction window timed out. |
FAILURE: TIMED_OUT (Issuer or switch inoperative) | This means the processor timed out and couldn't process the payment. |
FAILURE: UNKNOWN | The transaction failed - the issuing bank has returned an unknown response. |
FAILURE: UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE | The transaction failed - the issuing bank has returned an unknown response. |
Format Error | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) does not recognize the transaction details. |
Function Not Permitted to Cardholder | The Customer’s bank has declined the transaction as this card cannot be used for this type of transaction. |
Function Not Permitted to Terminal | The Customer’s bank has declined the transaction as this card cannot be used for this type of transaction. |
Function Not Supported | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as it does not allow this type of transaction. |
Having Issues? Please call us on 0700 ZENITHBANK | This is a temporary issue customer sometimes experience while trying to pay with Zenith Bank. |
Having issues? Please call GTConnect on +234 700 48266 6328 | This is a temporary issue customer sometimes experience while trying to pay with GTBank. |
Having Issues? Please call us on 0700 ZENITHBANK | This is a temporary issue customer sometimes experience while trying to pay with Zenith Bank. |
I/O error: Connection reset; nested exception is Connection reset | |
I/O error: Read timed out; nested exception is Read timed out | Produced by Flutterwave when no response to the transaction has been received from the bank gateway within predefined time period |
I5154-04140903: Invalid Card Number : CardNum | The customer entered an invalid card number. |
I5154-09221153: Invalid Card Number : authentication found invalid card-Verification Attempted | The customer entered an invalid card number. |
Illegal hexadecimal character at index 3 | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the customer has entered a PIN with invalid characters. |
Illegal hexadecimal character at index 4 | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the customer has entered a PIN with invalid characters. |
Incorrect PIN | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the customer has entered an incorrect PIN. |
Insufficient Funds | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card does not have sufficient funds. |
Insufficient+Funds | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card does not have sufficient funds. |
Internal processing error | This response could indicate a problem with the back-end processing network, not necessarily a problem with the payment method. |
International Cards not permitted on this Platform | The customer attempted a transaction with an international card which is not permitted on Rave |
Invalid Amount | The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction because of an invalid format or field. An invalid character (e.g. a dollar sign or a space) may be being passed to Flutterwave. |
Invalid Amount! | The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction because of an invalid format or field. An invalid character (e.g. a dollar sign or a space) may be being passed to Flutterwave. |
Invalid authentication credentials: Missing access key Id | Authentication credentials i.e. Pin, CVV, password are missing or incorrect. |
Invalid Card Number | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card number does not exist. |
Invalid Card Type | The customer made use of a card type not permitted on Rave. |
Invalid Card Verification Code! | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the CVV is incorrect. |
Invalid Currency! | The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction because of an invalid format or field. An invalid ccurrency may be being passed to Flutterwave. |
invalid expiry date format, must be YYMM | The customer entered the expiry date in the wrong format. |
Invalid Expiry Date! | The customer entered the expiry date in the wrong format. |
Invalid Merchant | Transaction was refused by the card issuer. |
Invalid Password | Invalid Password is for VBV, some banks use password instead of IPIN. |
Invalid Payment Type | The customer is attempting to make use of a payment type not accepted by the merchant's platform |
invalid token supplied | The transaction failed due to the customer entering an incorrect or expired token pin. |
Invalid transaction | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction because of an invalid format or field. This could also occur when a transaction for the same amount and merchant is attempted multiple times quickly for the same card. |
INVALID_CSC | Invalid card security code. |
INVALID_DIRECTORY_SERVER_CREDENTIALS | The credentials provided with the request do not have permission to access the requested data. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Invalid credentials. | The credentials provided with the request do not have permission to access the requested data. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Invalid data. Could not construct and store authentication result | |
INVALID_REQUEST: Missing parameter. value: null - reason: A CSC value is required for the transaction source used for this transaction | Transaction declined due to customer inputting an invalid card security code. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057****, card type AE | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057****, card type DC | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057****, card type DS | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. DS stands for Discover card. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057****, card type EL | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. EL stands for Elo card. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057****, card type JC | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057****, card type LS | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057****, card type MC | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. MC stands for Mastercard. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057****, card type MS | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. MS stands for Maestro card. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057****, card type RU | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. RU stands for Rupay. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057****, card type VC | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. VC stands for Visa card. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057****, trans type PRCH, card type AE | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. AE stands for American Express. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057FL01, card type CU | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. CU stands for Maestro. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID FAPY0178M, card type VC | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID FLVTEST-M, card type AE | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. AE stands for American Express. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID FLVTEST-M, card type MC | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. MC stands for Mastercard. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID FLVTEST-M, card type VC | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. VC stands for Visa card. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID FLVTEST-M, card type VI | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID PG-DGTL-E, card type MS | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID UBAFLUTTERNG, card type MS | The customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Unexpected failure | An error occurred while the transaction was been processed. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '<ThreeDSec...eeDSecure>' is invalid. Invalid character '<' | The customer entered an invalid security code |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '0.00' is invalid. Amount must be greater than zero | |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '0.00' is invalid. Transaction or order amount must be greater than zero | |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '000' is invalid. Length is 3 characters, but must be less than 3 | |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '234144x5252' is invalid. Cannot determine card brand. | A mobile number is being passed as Card number. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '3057FL01' is invalid. No valid Merchant Acquirer Relationship available | We are investigating this issue. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '3688.69' is invalid. Too many decimal places specified for value [3688.69] | |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '412585xx9634' is invalid. Cannot determine card brand. | Card brand cannot be determined with the supplied combo (of 1st 6 and last 4). |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value 'xxxx' is invalid. value: xxxx - reason: Invalid secure code length | The transaction was declined due to the customer entering an incorrect secure code. |
INVALID_TOKEN_SUPPLIED | The transaction failed due to the customer entering an incorrect or expired token pin. |
Issuer Bank Timeout | Produced by Flutterwave when no response to the transaction has been received from the bank gateway within predefined time period |
Issuer or Switch Inoperative | Temporal bank error. |
Kindly enter the mobile no registered with your bank | The customer's card has not been enrolled for Safe Token at the bank. The bank wants to start the enrollment process, hence why your phone number is required, but that has to be done at the bank. |
Kindly enter the OTP sent to *******0000 and a******* OR enter the OTP generated on your Hardware Token device. | This is pending response instructing the customer on how to authenticate. The customer would have gotten this while using a token because the card is a Verve card. As of now, Verve cards can't be charged using a token. |
Kindly enter the OTP sent to 234802***4177 | This is pending response instructing the customer on how to authenticate. The customer would have gotten this while using a token because the card is a Verve card. As of now, Verve cards can't be charged using a token. |
Kindly enter the OTP sent to the mobile registered with your bank | This is pending response instructing the customer on how to authenticate. The customer would have gotten this while using a token because the card is a Verve card. As of now, Verve cards can't be charged using a token. |
LOCK_FAILURE | Order locked - another transaction is in progress for this order. |
Lost Card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card has been reported lost. |
Lost Card, Pick-Up | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card has been reported lost. |
Merchant has not been configured for bin | |
Mobile phone number not in acceptable format | The mobile phone number entered by the customer is not in the acceptable format. |
MPI_PROCESSING_ERROR | This is a result of refused/failed authentication during 3-D Secure process. At transaction time, the MPI (Merchant Plug-in) identifies the cardholder's details and sends request to the card issuer to determine if the card is enrolled in a 3-D Secure scheme |
No Action Taken | The payment was held in the processing queue too long and was rejected without processing. Usually a due to slow bank responses. |
No Action Taken by Financial Institution | The payment was held in the processing queue too long and was rejected without processing. Usually a due to slow bank responses. |
No bin was found for this pan | The BIN number entered by the customer was likely invalid and therefore could not be used to identify the issuing bank and country. |
No Card Record | The Customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card number does not exist. |
No Check Account | The bank failed to identify the check account. The account entered by the customer could be invalid |
No Cheque Account | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card number is associated to a cheque account that does not exist. |
No Credit Account | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card number used is not a credit account. |
No Hardware, No SMS sent | The bank failed to send an OTP code due to the customer not having a registered token and available mobile number. |
No Investment Account | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the account type selected is not valid for this card number. |
No Issuer | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) does not exist. |
No Message | This means the processor timed out and couldn't process the payment. |
No Savings Account | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card number is associated to a savings account that does not exist. |
No Such Financial Institution | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) does not exist. |
No such issuer | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) does not exist. |
No Sufficient Funds | This means the customer does not have sufficient funds to complete the transaction. |
No Universal Account | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the account type selected is not valid for this card number. |
NOMESSAGE | This occurs when our system is unable to retrieve the customer's card details. |
Not sufficient funds | This means the customer does not have sufficient funds to complete the transaction. |
NOT_ENROLLED_3D_SECURE | Card holder is not enrolled in 3D Secure. |
NOT_ENROLLED_NO_ERROR_DETAILS | The card is not enrolled for 3DS authentication. |
NOT_SUPPORTED | Transaction type not supported |
Odd number of characters. | |
Original Amount Incorrect | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction due to the amount attempting to be processed. |
PAN is invalid | First 6 digits of card is Invalid. |
PAN is invalid. | First 6 digits of card is Invalid. |
PAYMENT_ALREADY_PROCESSED | This happens when there's an attempt to (re-) validate an already validated transaction. |
Pending, Validation | |
Pick Up Card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (the card has been reported lost or stolen). |
Pick Up Card, Special | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (card reported lost or stolen). |
Pick-up card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (card reported lost or stolen). |
Pick-Up Card, Special Condition | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (card reported lost or stolen). |
Pickup card (lost card) | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (card reported lost or stolen). |
PIN cannot be empty | |
pin contains an invalid character | The PIN contains a character other than numbers. |
PIN Tries Exceeded | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN more than three times. |
PIN Tries Exceeded, Capture | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN three times. The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has requested you retain the card. |
PIN Tries Exceeded, Pick-Up | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN three times. The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has requested you retain the card. |
Press the white button on your GTB token and type the transaction code generated | The customer failed to input the correct token code. |
Previous message located for a repeat or reversal, but repeat or reversal data are inconsistent with original message | |
Re-enter the Last Transaction | The transaction has not been processed and the customer should attempt to process the transaction again. |
Reached max trials for login | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the wrong login details multiple times. |
Redis command timed out; nested exception is io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandTimeoutException: Command timed out after 5 second(s) | Produced by Flutterwave when no response to the transaction has been received from the bank gateway within predefined time period |
Refer to card issuer | This error occurs when deposits are been attempted using a blocked card/account. |
Refer to Financial Institution | The bank has indicated there is a problem with the card number. |
Refer to Financial Institution, Special Condition | The bank has indicated there is a problem with the card number. |
REFERRED | Transaction declined - refer to issuer. |
Request In Progress | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has indicated there is a problem with the card number. |
Request to Generate Token is Successful | The customer failed to enter their token pin before the transaction timed out. |
Resource not found | |
Response Received Too Late | The transaction failed due to a delay in received required response from the customer's bank |
Restricted Card | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card has some restrictions. |
Restricted Card, Retain Card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction and requested that the customer’s card be retained (card reported lost or stolen). |
Restricted Currency | The currency passed during the transaction is not permitted on the rave modal. |
Routing Error | The card number is incorrect. This error indicates that there is no bank that corresponds to the first 6 digits of the card number. |
Security Violation | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction. |
SERVER_BUSY: Operation temporarily rejected because the system is busy. Try again in 10 seconds. | |
SERVER_FAILED: Please contact customer support quoting the support code. | Produced by the bank gateway, textual description of the actual problem is stored in the database |
Service Unavailable | The payment processor was unavailable for the transaction. |
Sorry that's an invalid currency for the selected authmodel | The customer is attempting the transaction using an invalid currency for the platform's authmodal |
Sorry, that Card AVS failed! | This occurs when a customer enters a billing address different from the one on their card statement. The Address Verification System check is put in place to help prevent unauthorized use of cards and to also minimize charge-back occurrences for merchants. |
Sorry, that OTP is invalid (FALSE). Please check and try 2 again | Invalid OTP. |
Sorry, that OTP is invalid. Please try again | Invalid OTP. |
Sorry, that's an invalid OTP. Please try again | The customer failed to input the correct OTP. |
Sorry, Transaction Failed. Please try again | The transaction was declined by the bank. |
Sorry, transaction not found | The original transaction was not found after multiple attempt to validate the transaction. |
Sorry, we could not connect to your bank | There has been an error connecting to the banking connector to process the payment. This may occur due to an outage. |
Sorry, we could not find that transaction. Please try again | The transaction was not created on our end. |
Sorry, you have exceeded your allowed limit for a single transaction | This error occurs when the customer attempts a charge with an amount greater than their allowed transaction limit applicable to your account |
Sorry, You have exceeded your allowed limit for today | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as it will exceed the customer’s allowed daily limit. |
Sorry, you need to add cvv to your request | |
Sorry, you need to add expmth to your request | |
Sorry, you need to add expyear to your request | |
Sorry, you need to add otp to your request | |
Sorry, your card cannot be added at the moment. Please try later. | |
Sorry, your card could not be verified | This means 3D Secure authentication was not successful. |
Sorry, your card failed AVS verification | This occurs when a customer enters a billing address different from the one on their card statement. The Address Verification System check is put in place to help prevent unauthorized use of credit cards and to also minimize charge-back occurrences for merchants. |
Sorry, your card is not enrolled for 3-D Secure authentication | The card is not enrolled for 3-D Secure authentication. |
Sorry, your card is not enrolled for 3-D Secure Payments | The card is not enrolled for 3-D Secure authentication |
Sorry, your transaction could not be completed | The transaction could not be processed by the bank |
Sorry, your transaction has expired | This means the transaction window expired before the customer could authenticate the transaction. |
SOURCE_NOT_FOUND|Triafor Solutions Limited | This is an error from the provider and Teleco. |
Stolen Card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card has been reported stolen. |
Stolen Card, Pick up | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card has been reported stolen. |
Stolen Card, Pick-UpStolen Card, Pick-Up | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card has been reported stolen. |
Suspected Fraud | The transaction did not check out, so bank placed a temporary hold. |
Suspected Fraud, Retain Card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as there is a suspected fraud on this card number. |
Suspected Malfunction | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as there is a suspected fraud on this card number. |
System Error | This occurs when no response was received from our processor. This probably occurred because the processor's gateway is temporarily down. Connectivity problems, if they do occur, are usually short lived. |
System Malfunction | This occurs when no response was received from our processor. This probably occurred because the processor's gateway is temporarily down. Connectivity problems, if they do occur, are usually short lived. |
SYSTEM_ERROR | After the transaction was sent to the processor, no response was received. This probably occurred because the processor's gateway is temporarily down. Connectivity problems, if they do occur, are usually short lived. |
The card holder was not authorised. This is used in 3-D Secure Authentication.-Verification Attempted | The card used likely failed the bank's authentication check at the time the transaction was processed |
The Cvv2 contains an invalid character | Transaction declined due to customer inputting an invalid card security code. |
The issuer or Switch Inoperative | This usually turns up when there is an error with the bank such as a downtime. The cause is usually temporal. |
The PIN contains an invalid character | The PIN contains a character other than numbers. |
The service provider is unreachable at the moment, please try again later. | This usually turns up when there is an error with the bank such as a downtime. The cause is usually temporal. |
Timed Out | The Customer’s bank failed to authenticate the transaction before the transaction window timed out. |
TIMED_OUT | The Customer’s bank failed to authenticate the transaction before the transaction window timed out. |
Timed+out | The Customer’s bank failed to authenticate the transaction before the transaction window timed out. |
Token Authentication Failed. Incorrect Token Supplied. | This means the customer input an incorrect token pin from an unsuccessful transaction attempt. |
Token Authentication failed. Received invalid response from remote entity. | This means the customer is using a token pin from an unsuccessful transaction attempt. |
Token Authorization Not Successful. Incorrect Token Supplied | This means the customer is using a token pin from an unsuccessful transaction attempt. |
TOKEN n/a IS INVALID FOR TOKEN CHARGE | This means the customer is using a token pin from an unsuccessful transaction attempt. |
Token Not Generated. Customer Not Registered on Token Platform | This occurs when the card been passed is not registered on the token platform. Card has not been enrolled for Safetoken |
Tokenization Failed | This error occurs when an attempt is made to perform a tokenized charge with an invalid or non-existent token. |
Transaction Approved | The transaction was processed successfully |
Transaction could not be retrieved | The transaction failed. |
Transaction Error | There was an error processing the transaction. |
Transaction Expired | This means the transaction window expired before the customer could authenticate the transaction. |
Transaction Failed | This error is normally returned directly from the customer's bank for an unknown reason. |
Transaction Failed-AUTHENTICATION_ATTEMPTED | Authentication was attempted but the card issuer did not perform the authentication. |
Transaction Failed-AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | 3D secure authentication was attempted on the card, but the customer's bank did not authenticate the transaction. |
Transaction Failed-AUTHENTICATION_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR_DETAILS_PROVIDED | This means that at the time the transaction was been processed the customer's bank was unable to authenticate the transaction. |
Transaction Failed-Cardholder verification failed | The transaction likely failed due to the card not passing 3D-Secure validation check at the time the transaction was been processed. |
Transaction Failed-ERROR | This error is normally returned directly from the customer's bank for an unknown reason. |
Transaction Failed-ERROR_COMMUNICATING_WITH_DIRECTORY_SERVER | An error occurred while the customer's card scheme attempted to authenticate the transaction. The cause is usually temporal. |
Transaction Failed-MPI_PROCESSING_ERROR | This is a result of refused/failed authentication during 3-D Secure process. At transaction time, the MPI (Merchant Plug-in) identifies the cardholder's details and sends request to the card issuer to determine if the card is enrolled in a 3-D Secure scheme |
Transaction Failed. Please try again | This error is normally returned directly from the customer's bank for an unknown reason. |
Transaction is under processing, please use transaction requery to check status | |
Transaction Not Completed | This indicates that a request message was sent to our provider but no response was received within the timeout period. |
Transaction not found | The original transaction was not found after multiple attempt to validate the transaction. |
Transaction not Permitted on Terminal | |
Transaction not Permitted to Cardholder | The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the card cannot be used for this type of transaction. |
Transaction was blocked by the Payment Server because it did not pass all risk checks. | This means the transaction was declined by the fraud engine. |
Unable to Locate Record On File | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) does not recognize the card details. |
Unable to retrieve transaction | The transaction failed. |
Unable To Route Transaction | The customer’s bank cannot be found for routing. This response code is often returned when the customer is using a test card number. |
Unacceptable Transaction Fee | An unspecified bank error has occurred. No further information is available from Flutterwave or the bank. |
Uncategorised | Your Card has been blacklisted |
UNKNOWN | The transaction failed - the issuing bank has returned an unknown response. |
Unspecified Failure | The transaction failed - the issuing bank has returned an unknown response. |
UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE | The transaction failed - the issuing bank has returned an unknown response. |
Unspecified+Failure | The transaction failed - the issuing bank has returned an unknown response. |
USD not permitted on this Card | The customer's bank declined the transaction because the customer passed an invalid card for a USD transaction. |
Verification Attempted | 3D secure authentication was attempted on the card, but the customer's bank did not authenticate the transaction. |
Violation of law | | No address associated with hostname | Response unknown |
Wrong token or email passed | |
You can not provide an OTP to conclude this transaction | |
Your account does not seem to have a phone number, email or hardware token provisioned. Please contact your account officer. | The card used ikely does not have the necessary details to conduct authentication. |
Your payment has exceeded the time required to pay | Transaction window has expired |
Restricted Merchant | This error was due to card network restrictions |
Restricted Country | The card country passed during the transaction is not permitted on the rave modal. |
Request parameters are invalid or missing | The payload sent to the gateway contains invalid or missing parameters needed to process the transaction |
Card Network Error | At the time the transaction was been processed, the gateway was unable to connect to the card association. This likely occured due to downtime on the card association. |
A server error occured. Please try again. | After the transaction was sent to the processor, no response was received. This probably occurred because the processor's gateway is temporarily down. Connectivity problems, if they do occur, are usually short lived. |
Account closed | This indicates the transaction was declined by the issuer because the customer's account linked to the card was closed |
An unexpected error occurred! | This occurs when our system fails to add the customer's cvv when sending out an authentication request. |
Blocked Card | Transaction blocked due to internal risk blocking rules. |
Decline - Invalid account number | Card issuer is unable to validate the account number associated with the card. |
Declined: Amount over maximum | The customer's has entered an amount above the maximum transaction amount allowed |
Declined: Bad CAVV | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
Declined: Bad Cvv2 | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
Declined: Expired card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card appears to have expired. |
Declined: Format error | This error indicates that the transaction was declined due to a technical issue on the bank. |
Declined: Format of one or more elements is invalid according to the specification.:CH.expiry | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the transaction data i.e. Expiry date was in an incorrect format |
Declined: General | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card number has failed a security check, or the funds may have been frozen or depleted. |
Declined: Incorrect PIN | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
Declined: Invalid account | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the account type selected is not valid for this credit card number. |
Declined: Invalid advance amount | This indicates the customer entered an amount below the allowed minimum transaction amount permitted for processing. |
Declined: Invalid card status | This indicates that the customer's card details could not be verified by the bank. This could occur when the customer enters an invalid card pan. |
Declined: Invalid transaction | This indicates the card issuer does not permit the transaction on this card/account. |
Declined: Lost or stolen card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card has been reported lost. |
Declined: Maximum number of times used | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN more than three times. |
Declined: Not enrolled or element is missing | The card is not enrolled for 3DS authentication. |
Declined: Number of PIN tries exceeded | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN more than three times. |
Declined: Pin Tries Limit Exceeded | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN more than three times. |
Declined: Restricted status | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the credit card has some restrictions. |
Declined: System error | This error indicates that the transaction was declined due to a technical issue on the customer's bank. |
Declined: Transaction not supported by institution | This indicates the customer's card isn't enrolled for 3DS processing. |
Declined: Unable to authorize – call issuer | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card number has failed a security check, or the funds may have been frozen or depleted. |
Declined: VEReq.pan | This indicates the customer's card isn't enrolled for 3DS processing. |
Denied | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card number has failed a security check, or the funds may have been frozen or depleted. |
Do Not Honour: We're sorry, we cannot charge your card due to bank restrictions. Please contact your bank or financial institution. | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card number has failed a security check, or the funds may have been frozen or depleted. |
E5431-12030426: Invalid Field : CardSecurityCode | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
ElectronicCommerceIndicator ThreeDSecure or ThreeDSecureAttempted required | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
Error Occurred. Could Not Generate Token | This indicates the transaction timed out because no token was sent to the customer from their bank. This could occur due to intermittent downtime on the provider. |
Error processing request null, please try again | This indicates an intermittent downtime occurred on the provider when the transaction was initiated |
Exceeds withdrawal amount limit | The customer's has entered an amount above the maximum transaction amount allowed |
Expired Card: This card cannot be charged because it has expired, please try a different card or contact your financial institution. | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card appears to have expired. |
FAILURE-SYSTEM_ERROR | This error indicates that the transaction was declined due to a technical issue on the customer's bank. |
FAILURE-UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE (Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded) | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN more than three times. |
FAILURE-UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE (Invalid Amount) | The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction because of an invalid format or field. An invalid character (e.g. a dollar sign or a space) may be being passed to Flutterwave. |
FAILURE-UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE (Invalid Transaction) | This indicates the card issuer does not permit the transaction on this card/account. |
FAILURE-UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE (Transaction not permitted acquirer/terminal) | This error indicates that the transaction was declined due to a technical issue on the bank. |
FAILURE: UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE (Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded) | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN more than three times. |
FAILURE: UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE (Invalid Transaction) | This indicates the card issuer does not permit the transaction on this card/account. |
FAILURE: UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE (No universal account) | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the account type selected is not valid for this credit card number. |
FAILURE: UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE (System Error) | This error indicates that the transaction was declined due to a technical issue on the customer's bank. |
FAILURE: UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE (Transaction not permitted acquirer/terminal) | This error indicates that the transaction was declined due to a technical issue on the bank. |
Function Not Permitted to Cardholder: We're sorry, we cannot charge your card due to bank restrictions. Please contact your bank or financial institution. | This indicates the card issuer does not permit the transaction on this card/account. |
Function Not Permitted to Terminal: We're sorry, we cannot charge your card due to bank restrictions. Please contact your bank or financial institution. | This error indicates that the transaction was declined due to a technical issue on the bank. |
General Error (Exception) | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
Insufficient fund | Transaction declined due to insufficient funds. |
Insufficient Funds: Your card cannot be charged due to insufficient funds. Please try another card or fund your card and try again. | Transaction declined due to insufficient funds. |
Invalid authentication data | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
Invalid card Number! | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card pan was incorrect. |
Invalid CardSecurityCode (null); valid chars are 0123456789 | This error occurred due to invalid CVV. |
Invalid Expiry date | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card appears to have expired. |
Invalid expiry date/Card period | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card appears to have expired. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Relationship not found for merchantID 3057FL36, card type MS | This indicates a processing error occurred during processing on Flutterwave. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '024' is invalid. Length is 3 characters, but must be less than 3 | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '231214xxxx...xxxxxx6891' is invalid. Length is 21 characters, but must be less than 20 | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card pan was incorrect. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '3057FLA1' is invalid. No valid Merchant Acquirer Relationship available | This indicates a processing error occurred during processing on Flutterwave. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '406101xxxxxxxxxx7148' is invalid. Length is 20 characters, but must be less than 20 | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card pan was incorrect. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '418745xx0096' is invalid. Cannot determine card brand. | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card pan was incorrect. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value '418745xx0096' is invalid. Unknown card type | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card pan was incorrect. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value 'FLWGBNG003' is invalid. No valid Merchant Acquirer Relationship available | This indicates a processing error occurred during processing on Flutterwave. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value 'ngn' is invalid. Invalid character 'n' | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value 'WMAFLW' is invalid. No valid Merchant Acquirer Relationship available | This indicates a processing error occurred during processing on Flutterwave. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value 'x' is invalid. Length is 1 characters, but must be at least 3 | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value 'xx' is invalid. Length is 2 characters, but must be at least 3 | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Value 'xxx' is invalid. value: xxx - reason: Invalid secure code | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
INVALID_REQUEST: Your request contains sub-merchant details but the gateway does not support aggregator/sub-merchant functionality on your acquirer. Please contact your Payment Services Provider. | This indicates a processing error occurred during processing on Flutterwave. |
Kindly enter the OTP sent to *******1780 and a******* | This indicates the transaction timed out because the customer didn't enter the OTP sent to their phone/email |
Kindly enter the OTP sent to 234703***0167. Didn't get the OTP? Dial *322*0# on your phone (MTN, Etisalat, Airtel) Glo, use *805*0#. | This indicates the transaction timed out because the customer didn't enter the OTP sent to their phone/email |
Kindly use the redirect URL to complete payment | The customer failed to complete the transaction within the stipulated time (10 mins). |
Lost Card: We are unable to verify your card, please contact your financial institution. In the meantime you can try another card | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card has been reported lost. |
Missing CardHolderAuthenticationData | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the authentication data i.e. PIN, CVV or OTP were incorrect. |
Pick Up Card: We're sorry, we cannot charge your card due to bank restrictions. Please contact your bank or financial institution. | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card has been reported lost. |
Restricted Card: We're sorry, we cannot charge your card due to bank restrictions. Please contact your bank or financial institution. | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the credit card has some restrictions. |
SERVER_BUSY: E5603 Context: Fatal initialisation failure, Could not obtain valid Terminal, giving up. MerchantId=FLWGBNG024, AcquirerId=ACCESSNIGERIA_S2I | This indicates a processing error occurred during processing on Flutterwave. |
SERVER_BUSY: Operation temporarily rejected because the system is busy. Try again in 10 seconds. | This indicates a processing error occurred during processing on Flutterwave. |
Sorry we could not connect to your bank | Issuer or issuer processor cannot authorize, for example because of downtime. |
Sorry, card transaction failed. Please try again | Issuer or issuer processor cannot authorize, for example because of downtime. |
Sorry, you need to add cardno to your request | This indicates no card detail was sent to the gateway for processing. |
Token Authorization Successful | This means the customer entered a valid pin but the transaction was declined by the provider due to their security checks |
Transaction Failed-FAILED | This error occurred due to an internal error during processing |
Transaction failed-Transaction failed | This error occurred due to an internal error during processing |
Transaction is abandoned | Transaction window has expired |
Transaction not permitted to merchant | The card country passed during the transaction is not permitted on the rave modal. |
Your activity is under review due to irregular transaction patterns. Please contact support | This error indicates your card has been flagged. |
FAIL_-1 1 FAIL_2006 54 FAIL_ETP40117 2 FAIL_IC40253 36 | This error is a Telco error |
Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN more than three times. |
Amount must not be more than 2 decimals point | The amount parameter submitted in the request is incorrectly formatted, contains invalid characters and / or is the incorrect length. |
Authentication Failed | 3D secure authentication was attempted on the card, but the customer's bank did not authenticate the transaction. |
Card cvv must be 3 Digit | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the CVV is incorrect. |
Card cvv must be provided | This indicates CVV/Expiry Date/OTP was not passed to the gateway for validation. |
Card not enrolled for ProtectBuy | This indicates that the customer is using a card not currently supported on our system e.g Discover |
Card token expired, please re-tokenize the card | This indicates that the customer's card needs to be tokenized again |
Card was not properly tokenised. Please contact support | This indicates that the customer's card needs to be tokenized again |
Customer Canceled | This indicates that the customer cancelled the transaction |
DECLINED (Card verification failed, please contact your bank) | The transaction failed likely due to the card not passing/failing 3D-Secure validation check at the time the transaction has been processed. |
DeviceNotSupported or MerchantNotEnabled | This indicates that the customer is using a phone that does not support Applepay |
Do Not Honour: We're sorry, we cannot charge your card due to bank restrictions. Please contact your | The customer's transaction request was declined by their bank |
ECI_00-DECLINED (Card verification failed, please contact your bank) | Customer’s card isn’t enabled for 3DS2 auth / they didn’t fully complete authentication hence we didn’t pass a charge to their bank |
ECI_01-APPROVED (Card verification failed, please contact your bank) | Customer’s card isn’t enabled for 3DS2 auth / they didn’t fully complete authentication hence we didn’t pass a charge to their bank |
ECI_01-DECLINED (Card verification failed, please contact your bank) | Customer’s card isn’t enabled for 3DS2 auth / they didn’t fully complete authentication hence we didn’t pass a charge to their bank |
ECI_07-DECLINED (Card verification failed, please contact your bank) | Customer’s card isn’t enabled for 3DS2 auth / they didn’t fully complete authentication hence we didn’t pass a charge to their bank |
ECI_07-PENDING (Card verification failed, please contact your bank) | Customer’s card isn’t enabled for 3DS2 auth / they didn’t fully complete authentication hence we didn’t pass a charge to their bank |
Error Invalid cardNumber | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card pan was incorrect. |
Error processing transaction, please try again | This would occur if the provider is currently inactive. The request to core proxy timedout |
Exceeds ACS Max Challenges | This indicates that the customer failed several attempts to authenticate transaction. |
Expired Card: This card cannot be charged because it has expired, please try a different card or con | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the credit card appears to have expired. |
FAILED-DECLINED (AUTHENTICATION_UNSUCCESSFUL) | 3D secure authentication was attempted on the card, but the customer's bank did not authenticate the transaction. |
FAILED-PENDING (AUTHENTICATION_INITIATED) | 3D secure authentication was not attempted on the card so the customer's bank did not authenticate the transaction. |
FAILED-RR (Transaction failed) | This indicates an error occurred while the transaction was being processed. |
FAILURE-DO_NOT_PROCEED (FAILURE) | 3D secure authentication was attempted on the card, but the customer's bank did not authenticate the transaction. |
FAILURE-PROCEED (FAILURE) | 3D secure authentication was attempted on the card, but the customer's bank did not authenticate the transaction. |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Fraud/Security (Mastercard use only)) | Applies for Mastercard. The transaction is refused because the card issuer suspects this payment to be fraudulent. This error covers these failure reasons: Suspected fraud or lost/stolen cards |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Life cycle (Mastercard use only)) | Applies for Mastercard. The transaction is refused due to invalid card or expired card data. |
FAILURE: DECLINED (Policy (Mastercard use only)) | Applies for Mastercard. The transaction is refused due to a policy reason. These policies could be on the customer's limit, card or allowable amount. This error covers these failure reasons: Restricted cards, transaction limit exceeded or invalid amount |
FAILURE: UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE (Invalid Amount) | An invalid character (e.g. a dollar sign or a space) may be being passed to the gateway. Please check your website’s code and correct this. |
FAILURE: UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE (Security violation) | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction. The customer should use an alternate credit card. |
Forter declined transaction | F4B fraud detection system has flagged the customer |
Fraud/Security error, please contact your bank | Applies for Mastercard. The transaction is refused because the card issuer suspects this payment to be fraudulent. |
Function Not Permitted to Cardholder: We're sorry, we cannot charge your card due to bank restrictio | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as it does not allow this type of transaction. The customer should use an alternate credit card. |
Function Not Permitted to Terminal: We're sorry, we cannot charge your card due to bank restrictions | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as it does not allow this type of transaction. The customer should use an alternate credit card. |
Function Not Supported: We're sorry, we cannot charge your card due to bank restrictions. Please con | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as it does not allow this type of transaction. The customer should use an alternate credit card. |
INVALID_REQUEST | This indicates a processing error occurred during processing on Flutterwave. |
INVALID_REQUEST:Missing merchant privilege 'Device Payments'. | This indicates a processing error occurred during processing on Flutterwave. |
Invalid Billing Country | This occurs when a customer enters a billing address different from the one on their card statement. The Address Verification System check is put in place to help prevent unauthorized use of credit cards and to also minimize charge-back occurrences for merchants. |
Invalid Billing length, Address is more than 100 | This occurs when a customer enters a billing address that is too lengthy. Maximum allowable characters is 100 |
Invalid Card Country | This occurs when the country on the customer's card statement is not supported by our provider. For example, Only cards issued in US/EU/GB can be used to make deposit in USD/EUR/GBP on SEND |
Invalid OTP. Please try again. | Customer entered an invalid OTP |
Invalid or Unsupported Card Type | The customer is attempting the transaction with a card type not currently supported on our system |
Invalid response | This is an error from the customer's bank (Usually temporary). |
Invalid security code. | The customer entered an invalid security code |
Invalid voucher pin supplied. | The customer entered an invalid security code |
Life cycle error, please contact your bank | Applies for Mastercard. The transaction is refused due to invalid card or expired card data. |
PENDING-DO_NOT_PROCEED (PENDING) | 3D secure authentication was not attempted on the card so the customer's bank did not authenticate the transaction. |
Payment token retrieval has been initiated | This indicates that the customer did not complete 3D secure validation on Google pay |
Pending redirect to issuer's 3DS authentication page | This indicates that the customer did not complete transaction possibly due to their bank not responding with a 3DS authentication page |
Pin length must be 4 characters long | The customer entered an invalid security code |
Please contact customer support quoting the support code. | This occurs because pay with Barter currently unavailable |
Please enter the OTP sent to your mobile number | The customer failed to input the correct OTP. |
Policy error, please contact your bank | Applies for Mastercard. The transaction is refused due to a policy reason. These policies could be on the customer's limit, card or allowable amount. This error covers these failure reasons: Restricted cards, transaction limit exceeded or invalid amount |
Redemption order has expired. Please initiate another. | This is an internal error from F4B |
Refer to card issuer, special condition | This error occurs when deposits are been attempted using a blocked card/account. |
Request was not successful | This occurs when the request to core proxy times out |
SCA required under PSD2, please contact your bank | This error indicates the transaction was declined by the customer's bank. |
SERVER_BUSY | This indicates that there is a provider downtime (temporarily) |
SERVER_FAILED | This indicates that there is a provider downtime (temporarily) |
Some error occured while trying to process your payment | This indicates a processing error occurred during processing on Flutterwave. |
Sorry, we could not charge your card. Please try again | This indicates that the card issuer does not permit the transaction on this card/account. |
The issuer has declined the transaction because it will exceed the customer’s card limit. Ask the cu | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as it will exceed the customer’s card limit. |
The issuing bank has declined the transaction as this card cannot be used for this type of transacti | This indicates the card issuer does not permit the transaction on this card/account. |
The issuing bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. Ask the customer for a different card to co | This indicates the card issuer does not permit the transaction on this card/account. |
The transaction is declined by the issuer because it appears fraudulent. Monitor all the transaction | The transaction is refused because the card issuer suspects this payment to be fraudulent. |
The transaction is denied by the issuing bank as there aren’t enough funds in the associated bank ac | The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction as the card does not have sufficient funds. |
There was an issue processing this payment. Please try a different card. ERR: amount | This would occur when F4B is passing amount as decimal |
There was an issue processing this payment. Please try a different card. ERR: cardnumber | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the card pan was incorrect. |
There was an issue processing this payment. Please try a different card. ERR: cvv | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the CVV is incorrect. |
There was an issue processing this payment. Please try a different card. ERR: mid | This would occur when F4B is not passing the Merchant ID |
There was an issue processing this payment. Please try an alternate payment method. | This would occur when F4B is not passing the Merchant ID hence no payment method was chosen for merchant |
TimeOut calling postilion service | This indicates that there is a provider downtime (temporarily) |
Timeout | This indicates that there is a provider/network downtime (temporarily) |
Transaction Failed-This card is temporarily restricted. Please try again after some time. | The customer’s bank has declined the transaction as the credit card has some restrictions. |
Transaction Timed Out at ACS | 3D secure authentication was attempted on the card, but the customer did not authenticate the transaction before the transaction timed out |
Transaction failed, please try again | This indicates that there is a internal downtime (temporarily) |
Transaction in progress | This indicates that the customer yet to authenticate the transaction. |
Unknown Issuer Code | This means 3D Secure authentication was not successful and the customer's bank returned an unknown response |
Unknown code | This could indicate several things for example the customer's card BIN has been blacklisted |
Value 'USD' is invalid. Invalid Currency Code | Authentication was attempted on the card, but was declined because the merchant doesn't accept payment from USD currency. |
pending redirect | This indicates that the customer did not complete transaction possibly due to their bank not responding with a 3DS authentication page or customer abandoning payment |
Value '352842xxxxxx0005' is invalid. The combination of currency, card type and transaction type i | The customer is attempting the transaction with a card type not currently supported on our system |
We are currently unable to process your request. Please try again after some time | This indicates that we are unable to process payment for the particular card/currency, possibly due to an intermittent downtime on the provider when the transaction was initiated |
We currently cannot complete this transaction at the moment. Please try a different card. ERR: PAY | This indicates that we are unable to process payment for the particular card/currency, possibly due to an intermittent downtime on the provider when the transaction was initiated |
We currently cannot complete this transaction at the moment. Please try a different card. ERR: cvv | This indicates that we are unable to process payment for the particular card/currency, possibly due to an intermittent downtime on the provider when the transaction was initiated |
Information not on file | This would occur when a customer's card is hotlisted indicating that the card issuer does not permit the transaction on this card/account. |
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