Businesses and services prohibited by Flutterwave

Updated 18 months ago

To protect the integrity and quality of services offered via the Flutterwave platform, we prohibit certain kinds of businesses from getting onboard.

  • Businesses engaging in deceptive, unfair, or predatory practices

  • Businesses violating any law, statute, or regulation

  • Those infringing on third-party intellectual property rights

  • Unauthorised resellers of brand name or designer products/services

  • Businesses accepting card payments for dishonored checks or uncollectible items

  • Businesses accepting cards at scrip-dispensing terminals

  • Adult entertainment and/or adult content websites

  • Bestiality

  • Activities damaging to brand or reputation, such as child pornography, escort services, and occult practices

  • Digital wallet, cryptocurrency, or prepaid companies

  • Drug paraphernalia

  • Firearms, weapons, ammunition, explosives, and other harmful materials

  • Investment or "get rich quick" businesses

  • Marijuana dispensaries and related products/services

  • Multi-level marketing businesses

  • Negative-option marketing and renewal practices

  • Pawn shops

  • Pseudo Pharmaceuticals

  • Psychics and "occult" businesses

  • Quasi-Cash or Stored Value

  • Substances that mimic illegal drugs

  • Virtual currency or credits that can be monetised or converted to physical or digital goods or services

  • Identification services

  • Business, content, services, or behavior that promotes unlawful violence or physical/virtual harm based on race, national origin, religion, disability, gender, or sexual orientation

  • Predatory financial services such as credit counselling, wealth management, or loan consulting

  • Pornography or other adult audience products or services

  • Bail bond services, bankruptcy lawyers, or law firms collecting funds for non-legal services fees

  • In-person gambling, sweepstakes, or contests, and fantasy sports leagues offering monetary or value prizes

  • Bidding fee auctions

  • Using Flutterwave's card not present checkout flow as a virtual POS terminal for in-person card present transactions

  • Currency Exchange Services

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