PayPal-Flutterwave Integration FAQs

Updated 27 months ago

With Flutterwave, you can receive payments from PayPal customers via our “Pay with PayPal” feature.

Do you need a PayPal account to accept PayPal payments?

Yes, a PayPal account is required to receive payment from PayPal users across the globe.

Which countries are covered?

At the moment, only merchants from Kenya, South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, Mauritius, Malawi, Mozambique & Senegal can receive payments from PayPal.

Can Nigerian Merchants receive payments via PayPal?

Not at the moment. Nigerian merchants can't receive any payments on PayPal.

How do I enable the PayPal payment method if I'm eligible?

Go to Settings > Account Settings on your dashboard. On the "What methods of payment do you want?" section, tick "Enable PayPal" and click "Save" afterwards.

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