Top 5 Reasons Customers Don’t Patronize You on Social Media

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The honest truth is that business like every other worthwhile endeavour is not a walk in the park so some resistance is expected. However, you might be making your path even tougher by being guilty of a few things that put customers off. We made a list of 5 things you must avoid to improve your chances of selling.

“DM for price”

Imagine you’re in a big store, trying to do some shopping and every time you needed to find out what a thing cost, you had to walk to the cashier to enquire before walking back to the aisle to continue shopping. How long would you have to make this trip before you get frustrated and leave? That’s exactly what “dm for price” does to your customers. Your social media page is your own departmental store, so attaching prices helps the customer and helps you.

They don’t feel Secure

As the popularity of online payments increases, customers learn a lot more about how it works and how it protects them. Some customers would like to patronize you but they’ve never seen you before and they’ve heard about a lot of scams online. As a genuine seller, you make such customers feel at home by accepting payments via a licensed gateway such as Flutterwave.

Poor Product Description

It’s not enough to post the brand name, colour and other attributes of your products, you need to show your customers how it applies to them. E.g if you sell sneakers online, when checking out a shoe, including whether or not a shoe is good for running or walking or hiking is useful information – as it helps say a customer looking for running shoes to figure out which shoe they need to buy.

No Customer Reviews

No one wants to buy a bad product, so we all want to be sure before we commit our money. People also tend to go to where everyone is going. However, you might wonder how you’d get customer reviews if no one has bought yet. Well, you might need to hack the process by giving out few of your products to people in your network with a good following (micro-influencers) under the condition that they must publicly review it.

Not offering the “Nicodemus” Option

Now, selling on your social media page is great but there are customers who want to buy from you but not have to interact with you. No, they don’t necessarily hate you or anything, they’d rather use “self-checkout.” Some people would rather not contact with their personal social media accounts when buying certain products, some just want the option to not contact. It doesn’t matter why, some people just do not want it and it’s up to you to provide this “self-checkout” option. The best way to do it is by creating a Flutterwave Store.

Flutterwave Store: The ultimate e-commerce solution for Africa.

Flutterwave Store is quite simply the best and easiest way to launch and manage an e-commerce business that accepts payments from anywhere in the world without creating a website, knowing how to code etc.

Flutterwave Store allows you to upload products, set prices and (in some markets) have our integrated delivery partners pick up when you have an order and deliver to your customer. “Buy Online, Pickup Curbside” store if you like.

Click here to start selling online with Flutterwave Store.